MSM Equities invests in real, clear value with a unique ability to identify opportunity.
Data driven model to invest only in the most stable yet valuable sectors (currently: office and warehouse)
Target annualized return to our investors, with the lowest risk exposure of any available investment vehicle
Expected long-term asset appreciation through creative tenanting and other value-add programs
Some investors claim they could beat our healthy yet conservative 8-12% yield with other investments. So we did the math:
You would have $1,888,239,226.06, or nearly $1.9 billion. So why doesn’t anyone have that portfolio? Three simple truths:
We are far more concerned with protecting our investors’ downside than trying to stretch the yield by another percent. Over any period measured in decades, the slow and steady approach has always outperformed funds that swing for the fences.
We continually review and adjust our market and/or class focus. Over the past few years, the residential market has been in an upcycle, while retail presented its own dangers. So MSM focused on office, warehouse and flex properties, because that’s where the value lives right now
When you’re an MSM investor, there’s nothing we know that you do not. That’s not just a promise, it’s a fact of our existence.
In our book, the investment relationship only works if you sleep well knowing you entrusted your money in the right hands. Every minute of every day, we work to earn your trust that we will act responsibly with your money; that we will share every morsel of data with you; that we will do everything in our power to secure your equity and yield; and that we will always act with honor and integrity on your behalf—with assets, tenants and you.
Our company culture is an extension of the
core values of our visionary leadership team: